About Us

"...for God who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts to give the Light..." 

2 Corinthians 4:5-6

The ministry of "Sonshine India" was established in Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India in 1992.
Since then by the grace of God, Sonshine has shared the True Light to many who were in darkness.

Sonshine Missions International is recognized as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization by the IRS and it exists to:
Evangelize...the Unevangelized
Educate...the Uneducated
Equip...the Unequipped

The Norman family obeyed the Lord's calling and returned to India in 1997, to train up Indian nationals as leaders for the growing work of the Lord.  Now, men and women who were educated and equipped in the Sonshine School of ministry are taking the Gospel to their own people.  

As a result of Elizabeth's obedience to the voice of the Lord, Sonshine Orphanage was born in 1998 with 5 orphans. Now, there are over 50 children growing in a loving atmosphere every year. 

J.T. is the founder of Sonshine Missions International, Inc., and the General Overseer of Sonshine India.  He is an ordained minister with IFCA, formerly known as CCNA.  Four generations ago, his family had the privilege of hearing the Gospel through some European missionaries.  Because someone cared enough to bring the Gospel, his forefathers became servants of the Living God. 

Now, under the dedicated leadership of Pastor JT and Elizabeth, Sonshine is on the move to finish the task, which Jesus began.